Top 4 Police & First Responder RPL Qualifications
We’ve been helping police officers and first responders to turn their service experience into nationally recognised qualifications since 2006.
These are the top 4 qualifications that helped give them the edge in the career stakes and build a new life after the job.
Your Police Experience Counts. We know.
When you’re in the job, all the police / first responder training you have done means something. But when you start looking at getting out, you realise there’s a whole other language in job ads – and that mainstream qualifications matter.
You start wondering, how will your policing / first responder experience stack up outside of the job?
Here’s the good news. You’ve got the sort of skills and knowledge that employer’s value. And there is a way to translate your policing experience into the qualifications that make sense in a civilian world.
It’s called Recognition of Prior Learning and you can use it to help build a new career after the job.
Top 4 Qualifications for Police & First Responders
Professionals in this field are always required because workplaces must comply to relevant legislation – in both the private and public sector. Pay scale trends show that WHS roles are often at the higher end of the pay spectrum. This qualification assures employers that you are experienced and knowledgeable in these areas, with a comprehensive understanding of WHS and its applications.
You can see by the sorts of roles that lead to WHS positions that there is often a link to managing WHS outcomes, so combining a work health safety qualification with leadership/management makes sense.
Possible career outcomes:
- Work Health and Safety / OHS Officer (WHSO)
- WHS/HSE Advisor
- Work Health and Safety Manager
- Maintenance Coordinator
In a policing and first responder career, there is a depth of leadership and management experience that means you take unpredictable situations and complex problems in your stride. The Diploma and Certificate IV of Leadership and Management shows employers that you can combine the three vital aspects of management: strong team leadership, critical thinking in developing plans and the ability to execute plans to successfully meet organisational objectives.
Possible career outcomes:
- Operations Manager
- Business Manager
- Project Manager
- Corporate Services Manager
There is an increasing demand for risk management professionals who can assess and protect organisations, and swiftly respond to a broad range of risks including cyber crime, terrorism, operational, compliance, regulatory, and technology risks. The Diploma and Certificate IV of Security Risk Management reflects that you have the ability to comprehensively and proactively plan for a variety of risks, whilst effectively leading a team and coordinating organisational resources.
Possible career outcomes:
- Security and Emergency Response Coordinator
- Security and Risk Advisor
- Security Operations Manager
Whether it’s at a local, State or Federal Government level, your investigation skills are highly desirable to government departments looking to fill compliance and enforcement roles.
The Diploma and Certificate IV of Government Investigations reflects the depth of your investigative skills and your ability to work within a regulatory framework. This qualification also demonstrates that you have the ability to both execute and oversee investigations.
Possible career outcomes:
- Inspectors – for example, in work safety, health, local council, primary industries, animal protection, electricity and water
- Compliance Officers – for example, in transport, resource oversight, Fair Trading, registration boards, customs, statutory authorities
- Investigators – for example, fraud, accident investigation, Workcover, consumer protection, loss adjusters
- Local Laws Officers – for example, rangers, marine park