Top 3 Public Sector Qualifications
Public sector qualifications are a great way to demonstrate your skill and versatility. Instead of leaving the public service when you are ready for a career change, you can instead look at a department shift.
Transforming your public sector experience
Around 2 million Australians are employed in the public sector. This equates to approximately 8% of the entire population. Public sector jobs span every level of government from Commonwealth to state and local.
Public sector jobs are on the rise and offer many benefits such as security and stability. As a nation, we spend in excess of $165 million on public servant salaries and wages.
Transforming your public sector experience into qualifications through Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a significant advantage when it comes to applying for a promotion within your current department, switching to a new department, or to a new industry altogether.Around 2 million Australians are employed in the public sector. This equates to approximately 8% of the entire population. Public sector jobs span every level of government from Commonwealth to state and local.
Top 3 Qualifications for Public Sector
Diploma of Government is a qualification that reflects the skills and knowledge it takes to perform effectively as a government employee. It examines a spread of skills and knowledge in operating ethically within legislative requirements and environments. If you are an experienced public servant a Diploma of Government can be a significant advantage when it comes to applying for jobs in different government departments.
Also consider the PSP40416 Certificate IV in Government.
Possible career outcomes:
- Administration Officer
- Administrative Services Manager
- Fraud Prevention Coordinator
- Policy Manager or Policy Officer
- Project Coordinator or Project Officer
- Procurement and Contracting Manager
- Injury Management Case Manager
- Operations Manager
- Program Coordinator
- Team Leader
- Inspector or Investigator
- Customer Service Manager
- Procurement Officer
- Finance Officer
- Health and Safety Coordinator
- Contract Administrator
One of the most demanded qualifications by department heads, is Diploma of Government Investigations. As we regulate more and more of our business and community practices, compliance related roles are appearing across many organisations. The Diploma of Government Investigations reflects the experience of people who have been responsible for the conducting and coordinating investigations.
Also consider the PSP40416 Certificate IV in Government.
Possible career outcomes:
- Senior Investigations Officer
- Government Compliance Investigation Officer
- Senior Internal Fraud Investigator
- Financial Crime Analyst
- Fraud Investigator
- Workers Compensation investigation
- Fair trading & consumer affairs investigation
- Local, state and federal government investigation
- Interagency coordination of investigation
- Border protection investigation
- Fraud against the Commonwealth investigation
Workplace health and safety (WHS/OHS) roles are of primary importance in the mining and resources sector. Since work health and safety impacts the productivity and welfare of every individual, professionals in this field are required in most other industries too.
Organisations are becoming increasingly aware of their legislative obligations surrounding the duty of care and due diligence. This awareness has resulted in many new and exciting (and lucrative) career opportunities within the WHS sector.
Also consider the BSB60619 Advanced Diploma of Work Health and Safety.
Possible career outcomes:
- Work Health and Safety Manager
- Maintenance Coordinator
- Environmental Health Officer
- Health & Safety Training Officer
- Health, Safety, Environment & Quality Manager
- Workplace Rehabilitation Officer
- Injury Response Advisor
- HSE Manager
- OH&S Manager