Diploma of Human Resource Management


Are you interested in earning the BSB50320 Diploma of Human Resource Management through Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)? You may be eligible to receive this qualification based on the work you’ve already done. And, you could do it without having to complete any additional study.

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The latest qualification for Human Resource Management supervisors is BSB50320 Diploma of Human Resource Management. Your human resource management experience may make you eligible to receive the latest version of this qualification based on the work you’ve already done. And you achieve this without having to complete any additional studies.

BSB50320 Diploma of Human Resource Management is a qualification that has been designed to reflect the positive and important contribution of human resource services in an organisation. Without people to fulfill an organisation’s purpose, deliver its services or ship its goods, there is no organisation. This makes this qualification is applicable across all industries and sectors, and across all sizes of organisation from large to small.

Recognition of Prior Learning

When it comes to obtaining Recognition of Prior Learning in BSB50320 Diploma of Human Resource Management, the starting point is to look at the contribution you make to managing human resources in your organisation. You may hold a HR role in a large organisation with a HR team. This may mean you take responsibility in a dedicated area for HR, for example, in Learning and Development, but you may not be involved in payroll or recruitment. If you work in a smaller organisation, though, you may be responsible for recruitment all the way through to retirement of team members.

As the application of the Diploma of Human Resource Management is so varied across organisations, the position titles that accompany someone successfully completing a Diploma of Human Resource Management are equally vast.

Qualification Details

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The fees for this qualification are as follows:

Qualification through RPL: $1795

We have a range of payment options available for you including: Bank Transfer, Credit Card and Installment Payment Plans. Find out more here.

Where could this qualification take you?

Churchill Education’s Diploma of Human Resource Management graduates have included people with job titles such as:
  • Human Resources Consultant
  • Human Resources Advisor
  • Learning and Development Coordinator;
  • Recruitment Manager;
  • Talent Acquisition Coordinator;
  • Coordinator People and Culture;
  • People and Culture Officer;
  • Regional HR Lead;
  • HR Officer;
  • HR Manager; and
  • HR Administrator.

There are now pre-requisites you need to meet to enrol in the Diploma of Human Resource Management.

There are 2 pathways to meet these mandatory pre-requisites to the Diploma of Human Resource Management.

  • You need to have 2 years’ full-time relevant work experience (or that equivalent if you have been working part-time), OR
  • You need to have completed some pre-requisite Units of Competency – or the earlier, equivalent versions of these units

A total of 12 units of competency must be completed in Diploma of Human Resource Management. The units of competency required are:

  • 7 core units; plus
  • 5 elective units.


Core units are mandatory for every student completing Diploma of Human Resource Management. When you look at the core units you can see that these key competencies are valued in HR functions across the country:

  • Coordinating the plan for the right workforce for the organisation, with the HR functions and processes in place to support the workforce.
  • Coordinating the learning and development of the workforce
  • Managing employee relations, including addressing industrial relations
  • Managing the risks for the business with that HR focus
  • WHS policies, procedures and programs are implemented and monitored in the organisation

Once the core units have been addressed, the 5 elective units balance specialist Human Resource Skills and Transferable skills.

For example, a specialist Human Resources skill can be the ability to manage employee’s salary packages.

For example, a transferable skill that is valued outside of the HR specialty is your ability to communicate with influence.

Units of competency

To help you, here are the units of competency and their equivalent competencies for the prescribed entry units.

Pre-requisite Unit of Competency Acceptable Earlier Equivalent Version
BSBHRM411 Administer performance development processes
  • BSBHRM403 – Support performance management process
  • BSBHRM403B – Support performance-management processes
  • BSBHRM403A – Support performance management process
BSBHRM412 Support employee and industrial relations
  • BSBWRK411 – Support employee and industrial relations procedures
  • BSBWRK411A – Support employee and industrial relations procedures
BSBHRM415 Coordinate recruitment and onboarding
  • BSBHRM405 – Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff
  • BSBHRM405A – Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff
BSBHRM417 Support human resource functions and processes
  • BSBHRM404 – Review human resource functions
  • BSBHRM404A – Review human resources functions

Accredited Skill Sets for Human Resource Management

There is also now an option to achieve accredited recognition of your Human Resource Management focused skills and knowledge through completing an accredited Human Resources skill set.

Sometimes, people call an accredited Skill Set by the terms micro-credential or a micro-qualification. The value of a Skill Set is that it is recognised and endorsed by the Australian Government which gives employers confidence in your accreditation.

The accredited Skill Sets, endorsed by the Australian Government, in the areas of Human Resource skills currently are:

  • BSBSS00105 Human Resources Foundation Skill Set

Units from this skill set can contribute to credit towards BSB40420 Certificate IV in Human Resource Management

  • BSBSS00111 Human Resources Advisor Skill Set

Units from this skill set can contribute to credit towards BSB50320 Diploma of Human Resource Management

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