Which course should you choose – Certificate IV or Diploma?

Many people come to us uncertain about which course they should be choosing, a Certificate IV or Diploma. Here’s some guidance on choosing the best qualification for you:

What is the role you are doing on a daily basis?

  • Certificate IV – are you conducting routine investigations?
  • Diploma – are you charged with oversight of more complex investigations?

How long have you been in that role?

  • Certificate IV – are you still in the early stages of your investigative career with this organisation, and becoming familiar with the unique requirements of this role and organisation?
  • Diploma – have you been with your organisation for several years, and have you been promoted in your role to supervise others?

What is the depth of your experience?

  • Certificate IV – have you been working in government for some time but only for two years (or fewer) in your investigation role?
  • Diploma – have you come to this role with many years of prior experience?

To what extent does your capacity permit you to share your knowledge?

  • Certificate IV – are you guiding activities and giving technical advice?
  • Diploma – Are you passing on your knowledge and specialist skills to others?

What is your substantive role?

  • Certificate IV – are you working with a partner, such as a corroborator?
  • Diploma – Are you mentoring, such as a Field Training role?

What are your skills gaps?

  • Certificate IV – do you want to develop more consistent investigation skills that you’ll use every day in working with witnesses and evidence?
  • Diploma – do you want to develop oversight skills to supervise an investigation at a more strategic level, in line with organisational targets and objectives?

Where does the majority of your time get spent?

  • Certificate IV – Are you a hands-on investigator who runs an investigation on the ground from start to finish?
  • Diploma – are you back in the office coordinating staff and resources across several investigations or directing multiple staff?

What do you report on?

  • Certificate IV – do you report on compliance or investigation outcomes of the work you personally do?
  • Diploma – are you responsible for the team’s work for internal and/or external reporting purposes?