
If something isn’t right, we’re here to help.

If you are not satisfied with our services or our communication regarding your training course enquiries, you have the right to make a complaint. We take any complaints seriously, as we value high standards of customer service and want to ensure that all of our customers have positive experiences.

There are four ways you can reach us:

  • Phone us on 1300 793 002. We are open from 8.30am – 5pm
  • Monday to Friday
  • Email Student Support or send an enquiry through our Contact page
  • Send a written complaint to: PO Box 691 Samford Qld 4520
  • In person at our main office, located at 2 Cliff Salisbury Court Samford Village, Qld 4520.

How We Resolve Complaints

We suggest that you give us a call – the quickest way to resolve your complaint is by speaking with one of our team. Or you are welcome to send an email or letter. Either way, we will respond to your complaint within 48 hours of receiving it and provide you with an indication of the next steps of what will be done to resolve your complaint.

If the person who initially deals with your complaint is unable to solve your problem a Churchill Education Manager will take responsibility for your issue. A record of your complaint is kept so we can keep you informed of the progress and outcome.

When you lodge a complaint with Churchill Education, where possible one person from our team will be your contact person to communicate with you directly when resolving your concerns.


If you would like to nominate someone to speak to us on your behalf, we are happy to speak with this person. We will contact you to ask your permission either via phone or in writing first, to make sure you are happy for us to discuss your complaint and account details with them. If you would like to contact us to make a complaint but require assistance to do so (for example, if English is not your native language or you have a hearing impairment), you can contact us via a language interpreter service. Should you have more specific needs requiring assistance in making a complaint, please let us know so that we can determine how to assist you.