What Employers REALLY Want: Insider Interview Tips

They say it’s an employee’s market at the moment.

You’re hard pressed to go anywhere and not see signs in businesses saying, “Looking for staff.” In fact we are interviewing for a new team member at the moment.

When it comes to interview success, the first part of the equation is getting yourself in the room in the first place.

It’s about how you articulate your skills and experience:

Find out what you’re eligible for

What are Employers REALLY looking for in interviews? 

If you’ve got the skills, experience and the qualifications to back that up, Australians are looking largely for someone that will fit the team.

Someone who will gel with the culture and be enjoyable to work with. 

What it boils down to is the fact that us Aussies hate butting heads with each other. We like to get along. We prefer to keep the peace and avoid hard conversations unless absolutely necessary. 

Interviews are your opportunity too. It’s a bit like a first date!

Aside from putting your best foot forward, your interview is also an opportunity for you to find out if the job and the company is right for you.

It’s not personal at this point. It’s just an opportunity to meet and get to know a bit about each other. 

A little like dating!

And decide if there’s merit in moving forward.

I’ve popped some links to helpful career resources above, and here is another article I wrote, that goes into a bit more detail:

Interview Tips: 5 Key Things Employers Want

If you need a hand with your qualifications and some feedback on your resume and LinkedIn profile, we’re here. The assessment is free. Contact us here to get started. 

I hope this helps with your next interview!

Take care and chat soon.

Tricia Velthuizen
Co-Founder & Director
Churchill Education

group photograph with a man wearing glasses in the focus

Top 4 Most Popular RPL Qualifications 24/25

Over time the employment landscape changes. Here are the most in demand qualifications this year:

Turn your career experience into qualifications with Recognition of Prior Learning.  Apply for a free assessment today!

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