Types of Work Examples You Can Provide for RPL

Recognition of Prior Learning is an alternative assessment process to study, that turns your career experience into national qualifications, based on work examples.


To comply with national regulators, your skills and knowledge must be assessed to meet the standards required by the industry responsible for the qualification you are seeking.

Our RPL assessors match your skills and knowledge to the units in a qualification through the work examples you provide.

The whole process is designed to be smooth and straightforward. The more prepared you are, the easier and quicker it will be. 

Here is a list of different types of work examples you can gather to showcase your skills and knowledge. 

Have fun ‘showing-off’ your skills!

Resume or CV or Work History

Your resume or CV outlines your work history, skills, and knowledge that you have collected over your years of employment.  Keep it up to date

LinkedIn Profile

If you have a LinkedIn profile send us the link. This acts as a secondary resume and is very beneficial for our assessors.

Position Descriptions

These describe the job that your employer expects you to be doing. It usually outlines the tasks you’ll do, the skills and knowledge required. This helps the assessor understand what tasks you perform in your role and may help in determining what skill and knowledge level you operate under.

Qualifications, statements, or licences

A copy of any existing qualifications or licenses you have can help the RPL assessor determine your knowledge level.

Most qualifications also have a Statement of Attainment or a Record of Results. We need to see these too as sometimes credit transfer can form part of your RPL assessment and requires these documents. You can even upload certificates from company training, work approval licences or on-line courses from LinkedIn.

Your USI number

A USI is a life-long education number, creating an online record of your nationally accredited training attainments within Australia. If you provide us with your USI we can look up details of any VET training you have completed since 2015. 

Here you will find detailed instructions on granting Churchill Education access to your academic records as part of your RPL assessment.

More information on USIs, including how to find yours:

USI – What is it?

Performance appraisals, annual reviews, or references

These documents show us how your employer values your skills and knowledge. They must be official documents; in that they should at least show the business logo and link to that company.

Records of seminars or workshops

If you have attended staff professional development activities, work-related seminars, online discussions, practical workshops, or other courses and can provide any documents of achievement or attendance.

Job Running Sheets or Task Logs

Completed examples of these may demonstrate your skills and links to the assigned job tasks. It may also show where you have assigned tasks to team members or worked with others to complete a job.

Journals, daily notes or work diaries

If you document your daily tasks for any reason, these can be a valuable example of what you do in your daily work. We may be able to use it to document your time management skills or planning skills.

Any documents that you have written

Any reports, policies and procedures, flowcharts, spreadsheet presentations, technical documents, that you have created, are useful for demonstrating your knowledge, research and technical skills.


If you have been involved in managing projects, the common documents involved might be presentations, planning process documents, emails to stakeholders, reports, meeting minutes, relevant photographs, final handover reports, videos or recorded conversations.

Photos, Videos or Audio

To demonstrate that you have performed tasks, these types of work examples can be very useful. Photo and videos can support your written reports or emails where you have contributed useful knowledge or skills to a task or job that has been assigned to you or that you have assigned to others.

Short audio recordings of conversations can verify your knowledge and authority on a topic.

Emails – internal or external

Saving copies of emails that you have sent during your work, show your involvement in team communication either as a leader or a team member. Emails can show your authority, involvement in a task, emotional intelligence, assigning tasks, sending reports etc., all of which may be valuable in demonstrating your skills and knowledge.

Anything else

If there are other work examples that have not been outlined that you think may support your application, please feel free to include them. Remember that the documents must have been your work or if they are created by someone else, your involvement in having them created – if you were a leader or manager and asked someone to create something for you – there will be an email trail. Show us!

Sensitive documents

Any of the documents that you send us can be redacted if you think that certain content is sensitive. We provide you with a secure link to upload your work to our server, where it is visible only to your Career & Education Advisor and the RPL assessor team.

Ready to get started on turning your career experience into national qualifications? You can apply here for a free appraisal or via any of the methods below. 

group photograph with a man wearing glasses in the focus

Top 4 Most Popular RPL Qualifications 24/25

Over time the employment landscape changes. Here are the most in demand qualifications this year:

Turn your career experience into qualifications with Recognition of Prior Learning.  Apply for a free assessment today!

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