Top 4 Most Popular RPL Qualifications 24/25

In this article, we share the top 4 most popular RPL qualifications for the 24/25 financial year. 

RPL is short for Recognition of Prior Learning. It is the process of turning your career experience into national qualifications. Something we’ve been specialists at since 2006.


In our 19 years of business, we have issued over 28,500 qualifications through RPL to talented people all over Australia.

During that time, we have seen the types of qualifications required change as the needs of the working world continually evolve, so we always like to reflect on what is most in demand right now.

Top 4 Most Popular RPL Qualifications for 24/25

In the past 12 months the top 4 most in demand qualifications gained through RPL were:

  • BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management
  • BSB51319 Diploma of Work Health and Safety
  • BSB50820 Diploma of Project Management
  • BSB50120 Diploma of Business

Apply here or call us on 1300 793 002 to check your eligibility for these and more national qualifications. (The appraisal is zero-cost!)

In today’s increasingly competitive workforce, being recognised for what you already know is career gold, especially when it’s time to apply for a promotion or new job.

You will find more information on these qualifications below.

The School of Life

Sometimes, you fall into a career straight after school.

Maybe you were recruited into an organisation like the ADF, Police, or you went into the family business, or applied for a job on a whim and got it. Maybe you went to uni, or just straight into the workforce.

2024 Job Trends & Tips

Maybe you did that job for a while, and built a life around it.

It might not have been the most fulfilling work, but there were parts you got satisfaction from, and while you didn’t jump out of bed in anticipation of getting to work every day, you weren’t unhappy…

Maybe you started a family, bought a home, and your financial obligations grew.

But, as they grew – so did the pressure to keep that job that didn’t really engage you.

It’s probably been 10 or 20 years or so, now? That’s a lot of your life spent doing something that you’re actually only half-hearted about.

How to Transition Careers

(Hint, take your transferable skills with you!)

Studying takes a lot of time, and a lot of money. Not many of us can afford to put our lives or income on hold to start from scratch in a new industry.

The good news is – you don’t have to.

2024 Job Trends & Tips: HR

In that 10 or 20 years you were working, you developed some specific skills that were pertinent to your industry.

And you also developed transferable skills – that you can apply to any industry!

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) means you don’t have to sit in a classroom and learn things you already know (and have been doing for years)!

Instead, the knowledge, skills, training and experience that you have accrued is assessed and matched to nationally recognised qualifications that could take you into just about any industry, without the time, expense or effort of studying.

Getting RPL also means that you could shift sideways into a new career, without taking a step back down the ladder in terms of your seniority, pay grade or level of responsibility.

Find out what you’re eligible for

If you have decided to take that sideways step into a new industry, the best qualifications for bridging that gap are generalist, rather than industry-specific.

Accordingly, we’ve compiled a list of the most versatile qualifications that we commonly award people through RPL.

Top 4 Most Popular RPL Qualifications 

BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management

Man and woman looking at document

Operating at a diploma level in leadership and management, you will be balancing two key areas: overseeing people and tracking the development of strategy at an operational level so that policies and procedures have your input and expertise.

At the diploma level you must be able to demonstrate an ability to apply practical skills, experience and knowledge in a leadership and management capacity in a range of contexts.

You possess judgement and initiative in organising, planning, monitoring, and implementing your work and the work of others.

Your communication skills support teams and individuals to achieve organisational objectives. You create solutions to problems, analyse data from complex sources and identify opportunities for improvements.

Check Your Eligibility

Also look at: BSB60420 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management 

BSB51319 Diploma of Work Health and Safety

2024 Job Trends: Project Management

To complete the Diploma of Work Health and Safety through Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), you need to demonstrate that you have the skills and knowledge to manage risks (including identifying hazards), manage legal responsibilities in a WHS context, and investigate and report on health and safety incidents.

The diploma level is also a proactive contributor to the workplace: not just responding to incidents, but educating and leading initiatives to improve health and safety measures in a workplace.

There is a focus on your communication skills, analytical abilities to resolve WHS problems that may be complex and using your best judgement to make decisions.

You will have people who report to you on WHS issues and look to you for direction and resolutions.

To be eligible to enrol in the Diploma of Work Health and Safety you need to have the five core units from the Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety. You can have older versions of these units provided they have been deemed equivalent.

Check Your Eligibility

Also look at: BSB60619 Advanced Diploma of Work Health and Safety 

BSB50820 Diploma of Project Management

People around a board table

At the Diploma level you are someone who is able to apply project management skills in a leadership capacity.

You may have managed projects in a number of contexts and industries. You have experience at the management and leadership level and are responsible for project objectives.

You have well established project management knowledge and a range of specialist, managerial and technical skills.

You use your skills to plan, implement and review your own work and that of a team.

There are no pre-requisites to enrol in the Diploma of Project Management. It is comprised of 12 units of competency – eight of which are core units (compulsory) and four elective units (which allows some range to match your experience or interests to particular units).

Check Your Eligibility

Also look at: BSB60720 Advanced Diploma of Program Management

BSB50120 Diploma of Business

Churchill Education


When it comes to obtaining Recognition of Prior Learning in BSB50120 Diploma of Business, the starting point is that you assume a degree of responsibility and technical knowledge within your workplace – both for tackling moderately complex tasks in your workplace, and bringing a depth of business experience that benefits the operations of the business.

Whilst you have developed a substantial experience base, at Diploma level you are also committed to your continuing professional development.

These are the qualities that can see you take on management responsibilities in your workplace.

When considering RPL for Diploma of Business, you have two choices: firstly, you can take a generalist approach and complete the straight Diploma of Business. 

Alternatively, there is an option to complete specialist versions of the Diploma of Business:

These specialisations are a fantastic way to capture your specific and unique transferable skills. 

Check Your Eligibility

Also look at: BSB60120 Advanced Diploma of Business

group photograph with a man wearing glasses in the focus

Unlocking Career Growth with Stackable Qualifications

Stackable qualifications allow you to turn your diverse experience into a custom ‘stack’ of qualifications that showcase your unique experience.  

Turn your career experience into qualifications with Recognition of Prior Learning.  Apply for a free assessment today!

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