Let’s face it, we’re all on the mental health spectrum somewhere. For some of us it might be occasional anxiety or ‘the blues’. And for others of us it is acute PTSD.
Wherever you are at, life goes on. The same as it does with any other condition. It is about learning to deal with whatever is going on, and having the bravery to reach out for support.
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Many of our graduates live with mental health conditions such as PTSD, ongoing anxiety and depression day after day.
Every single day can be a battle and a triumph.
Our tagline is ‘Brave Hearts and Minds’…. And these incredible humans are shining examples of this.
We thought today was a good day to share some of the many inspiring human stories we have been privileged to be a part of….

Brendan’s Story
Police Officer, Brendan Maccione reached breaking point in a café with his young children, and finally realised he needed to reach out for help.

Ken’s Story
After 30 years of service in the Military, Kenneth Carter was diagnosed with Diabetes and had to be medically discharged. He had imagined a lifetime of military service, and was therefore completely unprepared for transition.

Jason got up one morning, told his wife he loved her, then intended to end his life. It was Brendan that he called. And thank goodness he did, because it saved his life.

Nigel’s Story
Nigel turned 60 this year. Things have changed a great deal during his lifetime. He left school young, learnt a trade, worked his way up and then became redundant years later when manufacturing increasingly moved offshore.

Randall’s Story
Police Officer, Brendan Maccione reached breaking point in a café with his young children, and finally realised he needed to reach out for help.
Wherever you are at on the mental health spectrum, please know that you are not alone. We are always up for a chat, so please always feel free to give us a call. If we can’t help, we’ll put you in touch with someone who can.
Here are some great support services we recommend:
Mates4Mates – www.mates4mates.org
Sirens of Silence Charity – www.sirensofsilence.org.au
Lifeline – www.lifeline.org.au
Beyond Blue – www.beyondblue.org.au