RPL – will my previous qualifications count?

Will my previous qualifications count in RPL?

Answer: If your previous qualification has been gained within the past 5 years and any of the skills or experience required relate to your Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), then they will certainly be considered!

Check out this interview with Lorraine, a Teacher Aide, who used her previous study as RPL to go towards her CHC30213 Certificate III in Education Support.

If you would like to find out how your previous study could go towards your RPL application, give us a call on 1300 793 002. We’ll be more than happy to assess your experience at no charge.

Interview with Lorraine

Q: I’m speaking with Lorraine who has been working for teacher aide for a while and has just completed her Certificate III in Education Support and she is going to share her story with us. So Lorraine, can you tell me a bit about the experience you’ve had working in the school environment? How long have you been working for Teacher Aide?

Lorraine: This is my third year working as Teacher Aide full time, or 31 hours a week.

Q: Okay.

Lorraine: I work in Gatton, and I worked with predominantly prep children and we have about 45 Prep children. I work with two different teachers and, I’m absolutely loving it! They keep me on my toes.

Q: I bet they do! What made you decide to become a Teacher Aide?

Lorraine: I’ve been wanting to be a Teacher Aide for many, many years and I finally took a step after my children had sort of gotten off to school and there were opportunities around for me to do that. So, I took the opportunities and I decided to study as well when that opportunity came up. So, yeah, it’s a dream come true!

Q: Great job to sit with family life, isn’t it.

Lorraine: Oh this is fantastic. There’s nothing better.

Q: Yeah, that’s right. You mentioned that the opportunity to study came up – your school actually presented the opportunity to complete your qualification?

Lorraine: Yes they did, yes that’s correct.

Q: And so you were able to do it through a traineeship, without having to fund for yourself? Is that how you managed to do it?

Lorraine: That’s exactly right, yes.

Q: Fantastic. So, how was your experience being with Churchill Education – how was your experience with the study?

Lorraine: My experience with Churchill Education has been an absolute pleasure! They came to my rescue when I needed them, when the other organisation that I was doing more training with went into receivership and we received information about Churchill Education and everything just flowed on.

They were so helpful in getting signed up, and starting my course. They recognised everything that I have already achieved and all of my practical skills were taken into account. Anything that I had done beforehand was all taken into consideration as well.

Find out what you’re eligible for

Q: Great. You didn’t have to go back to square one again?

Lorraine: No. It was let’s pick up where we left off and let’s tailor-make make this course just for you, let’s see what you need to complete with what you’ve already done, considering the RPL that you’ve already done as well and I will design a course to fit you. So this is what Ruth has done for me.

Q: Yes, it’s great. The Recognition of Prior Learning system allows you to do that, taking account what you have experienced from what you’ve done with your work, but also you did that just start studying before, and you did not have to go back to square one like you would have to in some places. That’s good to know too. Have you enjoyed the course?

Lorraine: I have enjoyed the course. It has not been too demanding in schedule. It has been fairly evenly paced course and being able to successfully complete that with busy home life, family life, and you know, other people studying in my household, so it hasn’t been too demanding and I have been able to fir it in with what I do at school.

Q: That’s very important isn’t it to balance with work and family life absolutely.

Lorraine: Yes.

Q: Has gaining qualification had an impact on your work, with the way you do your work, or with regards to being paid a different way?

Lorraine: Yes. I will receive another level of pay now that I have completed my course. So once I gain my certificate, I will be able to step up pay wise. It’s definitely given the much more insight to various situations in the classroom and preparing myself for certain situations. It’s given me opportunities to advance my knowledge and understanding of children, particularly with learning difficulties and challenging behaviours.

Q: Yes, even though you’re working with Prep, a lot of the special needs students you do come across and the course will give you the information to help you understand those children’s needs better.

Lorraine: Much better. Yes, it’s certainly equipped me to be able to understand what those children see and hear and how to, you know, work activities so that they can learn on their level, on their interest.

Q: Fantastic. Have you got anything that you can recommend to someone perhaps thinking about jumping on board, or a Mum who is now thinking of doing the Teacher Aide course? Is it daunting or would you say it is OK?

Lorraine: Well, it’s always daunting initially. I think any type of course or study, particularly if you haven’t been in the workforce or you haven’t studied before, it’s been a long time since you’ve been in the work force is a daunting thing but I would thoroughly recommend Churchill Education and the Teacher Aide course that I’ve just completed to anyone.

The organisation is so easy to work with and they will assist you in any way that they can, and, yeah, I’ve just found nothing but support from Ruth and the people that I have been able to talk to. So, yeah, as a busy Mum, it’s certainly achievable.

Q: Fantastic. That’s great. Do you think you’d do more study in the near future or you think you are quite happy to stay where you are now?

Lorraine: I’m really happy to have achieved the level that I have and it’s certainly open the doors, I suppose, that I’m ready to go through at the moment. Yes, maybe.

Q: That’s a great! Well, thank you very much! Never say never!

Lorraine: That’s right. You just don’t know what’s round the corner!

Q: Yeah, well we appreciate you sharing your story with us Lorraine, and all the best with your career as a Teacher Aide. It sounds like you’re the right person for the job and that school is very lucky to have you.

Lorraine: I am very blessed to be here.

Q: That’s great. That’s always nice to hear. When you get a good school who looks after you.

Lorraine: Yes. It’s brilliant.

Q: That’s fantastic. Well, thank you very much for your time.

Lorraine: You’re welcome.

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Over time the employment landscape changes. Here are the most in demand qualifications this year:

Turn your career experience into qualifications with Recognition of Prior Learning.  Apply for a free assessment today!

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