Possibility to Graduation

Turning possibility into reality involves action and often means teaming up with people who are willing to give you a hand. Churchill Education co-founder, Tricia Velthuizen, shares her insights on how you can take action on turning your career experience into qualifications.

Progress Needs Action

I work with a personal trainer twice a week, but I want to get stronger and fitter so I asked my trainer, Leanne, for a list of exercises I could do between sessions.

Now, have I done anything with the list?


I see that all the time when people come to us and talk about qualifications.

The reality is, if I want to get fitter, I’ve got to do something with the list.

And if you want to get qualified, you’ve got do something with the list.

It’s about gathering those work examples.

Or if you’ve had the initial qualification appraisal, it’s about making a decision about which qualifications you would like to move forward with.

Otherwise we both just have a list of possibility.

If you’re ready to move from possibility to graduation, then reach out: 1300 793 002 / hello@churchilleducation.edu.au

The team at Churchill are here to help you.

We’ll help you deal with that list – gather those work examples, the same way Leanne has helped me turn strength and fitness into a reality.

If you haven’t yet had us look at your eligibility for qualifications we can do that too. The appraisal is free, so it’s a good plan to know your options. 

Take care and hope to chat soon. 

Tricia Velthuizen
Co-Founder & Director
Churchill Education

group photograph with a man wearing glasses in the focus

Top 4 Most Popular RPL Qualifications 24/25

Over time the employment landscape changes. Here are the most in demand qualifications this year:

Turn your career experience into qualifications with Recognition of Prior Learning.  Apply for a free assessment today!

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