Physically and Mentally Fit: Getting Through Life’s Gullies

Last week, Tricia and I headed out hiking for a few hours. We live and work in Samford, with mountains on our doorstep and gullies to challenge us as we continue to build our fitness. It’s not just the gullies on our hikes that I’ve been able to get through. It’s life’s low points too. I’m physically and mentally fit, which means I can help others get through their own gullies.

Tricia captured a little video clip of me running down the road on the last leg back to the car (one of the rare occasions I am not wearing hi-vis)!

If you asked me six months ago if I’d ever become a runner, I would have answered with a laugh and a very firm ‘no’ …. but somehow the more I have moved, the leaner I have become, my body has naturally fallen into a new rhythm and I can now run 10 kilometres comfortably through the mountains.

So, I’ve set a new goal for myself: to run the Ultra Trail Australia run for 50 kilometres in the Blue Mountains in May 2020.

I’m turning 50 soon and I feel stronger than any other time in my life.

Not just physically, but mentally too ….

Today, I left my regular check up / check in with my psych, Dr Andrew Khoo, with the good news that I have moved up to 6 monthly appointments.

I’ve had some outstanding support to reach this point.

Many of you have written back to me and called me over the years to encourage me, and I have appreciated every word.

Tricia and I have done our best to extend that same level of support to others over the years.

Physically and Mentally Fit: A New Identity

In many ways, I have found a new identity through helping others to get the recognition they deserve, so they can run after their next adventure – from a smooth career transition, to their next promotion or chasing that job in a new State or even a new country; whatever lights you up.

And nothing feels quite as good as hearing from our clients and scholarship recipients about their achievements.

It’s true that life brings its challenges and that some knock us down. Sometimes it’s hard to see your way out of the gully.

But it’s also true that a helping hand, a pat on the back, a quiet word of encouragement in our ear at the right time, or sitting down with an expert to share the load and get some help can make the world of difference to our ability to get through the gully and back on our feet.

Find out what you’re eligible for

I’ve taken a few of those calls this last week or so …. people looking for advice, for a quiet word to remind someone that better days can be ahead.

I’ll always take that call.

As will any of our team. All of whom joined Churchill because they understand what it takes to experience change and to come through it anyway.

In the spirit of giving, I’ve asked Tricia to lend a helping hand to more of our clients in the next couple of weeks.

We have opened up our Free Fast Track for all qualifications in June, giving our clients a saving of $295.

In addition, Tricia has agreed to review the resumes and covering letters of any clients getting qualifications in June.

My wife is a clever woman when it comes to words, and she has this great ability to read over documents and see ways to improve them. When we made this offer available in May it was very well received, and the feedback on Tricia’s work was outstanding.

An extra set of eyes looking over your resume and cover letter can really help get ahead in your job hunt and will save you at least $240 with a career counsellor looking over your materials.

I hope that really helps you, and I encourage you to get in touch with us and find out what qualifications you might be eligible for based on your life experience.

The preliminary assessment is on us, as always.

If you’d like to know more, you can send us your details via the form on this page. Alternatively give us a call: 1300 793 002, or shoot us an email:

Randall Smith
Churchill Education

Randall Smith, Churchill Education

group photograph with a man wearing glasses in the focus

Unlocking Career Growth with Stackable Qualifications

Stackable qualifications allow you to turn your diverse experience into a custom ‘stack’ of qualifications that showcase your unique experience.  

Turn your career experience into qualifications with Recognition of Prior Learning.  Apply for a free assessment today!

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