Less Tax More Skiing

Here’s a quick story about how I pay less tax and go on more ski trips… Well before I had kids anyway! And the moral of the story? RPL qualifications can help you too to go on more ski trips!

When Tricia and I got married, I had a big box of papers that drew her attention.

No, it wasn’t my little black book; I was never that smooth.

I am one of those organised types and I had every tax invoice that I ever needed stashed and organised in a series of diaries.

Each year, as soon as I had my group certificate in hand, me and my tax invoices would be booked straight into the accountant to get my tax return sorted. I prided myself on being one of his first appointments for the new financial year. In my bachelor days, that tax return would pay for my annual ski trip.

In my married life, with four kids and a mortgage, that tax return helps pay the bills.

Now, here’s the thing: my wife was one of those people who would do her tax on the very last day. And she could never quite find her tax invoices – it was like she was allergic to personal paperwork.

But you can guess what her tax return looked like? Yep, enough for a new pair of shoes but not much else.

She happily handed over her tax returns to me and life has been a lot simpler since then. I still tell her the tax return is only enough to cover a new pair of shoes and she tells me a ski trip is not on the cards. Married life, hey?

Find out what you’re eligible for

With end of financial year approaching – if you have completed a qualification or two with us, and you are looking for that invoice, reach out and we’ll get a fresh one to you. Take it down to your accountant and ask about a self-education deduction on your tax return.

And if you have been thinking about applying for another qualification, there’s still time this financial year.

Get your qualification through RPL before June 30 and you could be eligible for a little money back on your tax.

Get in touch now to find out what you qualify for …

Phone 1300 793 002 to speak to a Skills Advisor about RPL or email us at info@churchilleducation.edu.au and get the ball rolling.

Best regards
Randall Smith
Co-director, Churchill Education

group photograph with a man wearing glasses in the focus

Top 4 Most Popular RPL Qualifications 24/25

Over time the employment landscape changes. Here are the most in demand qualifications this year:

Turn your career experience into qualifications with Recognition of Prior Learning.  Apply for a free assessment today!

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