If you are a resident of WA and a current or ex-serving Australian Defence Force (ADF) member you could be eligible for a $5,000 education scholarship!
The Defence Industry Veterans Employment Scheme or ‘DIVES’ for short, is a scholarship program funded by the WA state government and supported by the WA defence industry.

What does it cover?
- Recognition of prior learning (RPL)
- Study
- Tuition and textbooks
- Equipment necessary for a new career
- Career planning and transition support through DIVES
Who is it for?
- ADF veterans*
- Active or inactive members of the reserve forces
- Currently serving ADF members planning to transition in the next 3-6 months
Applications are now open!
Apply for a DIVES scholarship here.
To find out more about this exciting opportunity – and free advice on choosing the best training options to meet your career goals – the specialist defence industry in the Rockingham Jobs and Skills Centre have said they are here to help … They even shared some contact details if you want to reach them: 08 9599 8655 / defence.careers@smtafe.wa.edu.au
* To be eligible for study options defence experience must be from within the last 10 years, and 5 years for RPL.