ANZAC Day 2024

This ANZAC Day, we honour the sacrifices of our Australian Defence personnel, past and present, and their service, both at home and in faraway lands. 

ANZAC Day 2024


Locally, I have been putting together an application for a parkrun in our neighbourhood. 

Right now, I’m working on drumming up support from locals to volunteer and that’s how I met Mal. 

Mal likes parkrun, but what really makes Mal’s eyes light up is talking about his twin daughters. 

One of his daughters has a school-based traineeship at a local RSL and getting her to and fro has Mal there at all sorts of odd hours. Mal doesn’t mind, though, it’s a joy to him to be there for his girls. 

As we talked about the experience of the school-based traineeship, Mal shared with me how excited his daughter was to be working at the RSL on this ANZAC Day. 

You see, last year was her first year at the RSL and her first time working on ANZAC Day. 

On ANZAC Day, 2023, Mal’s daughter encountered older veterans who, despite having long left behind their official employment with the Australian Defence Force, had never left behind their sense of duty or connection.

Through the RSL doors came too the men and women in uniform from the local Army barracks – their boots shining, their service fresh.

And surrounding these veterans, these service personnel, were family and friends, strangers even, who having started their day in sombre reflection at the local ANZAC Day ceremony now stayed to share a drink, a conversation, a connection. 

It was the best of very long days on her feet because on that ANZAC Day, Mal’s daughter got the chance to be of service to those who have served faithfully and to feel the strength of a community coming together in commemoration and recognition of our service personnel.

This ANZAC Day, 2024, Mal’s daughter is again working at her local RSL – in service once more of those who have served.

As Mal, a Veteran himself, told me this story, his eyes filled with pride and my eyes filled with tears. 

Wherever you are, this ANZAC Day, and however you choose to mark this day, may those who have served and continue to serve feel the support, appreciation and respect of our community.

We will remember. Always. 

With gratitude,

Tricia, Randall and the entire team at Churchill Education

Tricia Velthuizen, Churchill Education

Tricia Velthuizen
Churchill Education

group photograph with a man wearing glasses in the focus

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