ANZAC Day 2021: Community Spirit Finds a Way

It is wonderful to see ANZAC Day ceremonies returning to our communities this year. We know that not all services are back up and running because of COVID compliance requirements but the community spirit finds its way to mark this day in many special ways.  

Each Sunday, Amanda and Tricia join a couple of friends to hike around the mountains of Brisbane.

This morning, they have hiked up a steep dirt trail to reach the top of Camp Mountain in time to join the ANZAC Dawn Service at the Lookout. 

Camp Mountain

Samford region has its own proud history of honouring our veterans; from the Avenue of Honour to the surrounding farmlands that became home to returned service personnel post World War I. From the Camp Mountain Lookout, below us lays the community we belong to … nestled from the valleys to the peaks. 

Standing there, aAmanda and Tricia look out at the communities and lands below, they remember all our defence personnel who have travelled far and wide in service of country and say, “Thank you.” 

Below in the Valley, John and his family Light Up The Dawn, standing outside their home, side by side with their neighbours.  

Nick is standing further north, visiting the Kenilworth Town Park for their dawn service.  

As we each find our own way to mark ANZAC Day, we know that whilst the way we choose to honour the service and sacrifice shown across the generations by members of the Australian Defence Force may differ, the respect and gratitude is held just as dearly.  

There is something special about holding this service at the dawning of a new day and we are optimistic that the Prime Minister’s announcement of a royal commission into veteran and serving Defence member suicides will mark a new day in the care of our service personnel.  

Lest we forget. 

Randall, Tricia, John, Melody, Carina, Jo, Lovely, Paddy, Sunshine, Sherry, Leonie, Nick, Amanda and Newnie 

group photograph with a man wearing glasses in the focus

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